Web3 Builders

Developers and innovators in the Web3 space can integrate Wirex Pay into their applications to create new financial solutions and services. The platformโ€™s flexibility and robust features make it an ideal choice for a wide range of use cases.

Use Cases and Benefits:

  • Crypto-Backed Credit Solutions: Developers can create systems where users leverage their crypto assets as collateral to use Wirex Pay cards like credit cards.

  • Expense and Payroll Management Integration: Wirex Pay can be integrated into MPC (Multi-Party Computation) wallets or smart contracts for managing expenses and payroll.

  • Streaming Payments: Enable real-time streaming payments directly to Wirex Pay cards, facilitating innovative financial models.

Wirex Payโ€™s non-custodial cards are at the cutting edge of this evolution, offering unparalleled control and integration for a wide range of users.

Last updated