ZK Rollups

*Sequencers is responsible for batching transactions from various users into ordered blocks, and then committing to an order of those blocks. The order can be arbitrary or subject to rollup-specific constraints. The important thing is that the order is public and immutable: all rollup users at all times should agree on the relative ordering of blocks.

* RPC - stands for remote procedure call, and RPC nodes allow applications to communicate with the blockchain. Protocols may opt for private RPC endpoints, as these can improve a blockchain application's security by offering front-running protection, shielding transactions from the public mempool.

* Synchronizer ensures that nodes are automatically receiving all the necessary data from the peer nodes as well as it verifies the blocks and validates signatures until the blockchain is fully sychronized with the current state.

* Prover executes the rollup's state transition function, usually some abstract machine in which transactions represent programs to execute. By executing this function, the prover computes and stores a Virtual Machine state which is a deterministic result of the ordering of blocks produced by the sequencer.

* Aggregator indexes and aggregates blockchain data from multiple Web3 ecosystems. These platforms may use DApps, oracles, or APIs to collate data from different Web3 platforms into a single interface.

ZK Rollups are an advanced layer 2 scaling solution that significantly increase transaction throughput while maintaining the security and decentralization of the underlying blockchain. They achieve this by bundling multiple transactions into a single proof, which is then verified on the main chain. Here’s how ZK Rollups work within Wirex Pay:

  • High Throughput: By processing numerous transactions off-chain and submitting a single proof, ZK Rollups can handle thousands of transactions per second, vastly improving scalability.

  • Cost Efficiency: Bundling transactions reduces the amount of data processed on-chain, lowering transaction costs and enhancing efficiency.

  • Security and Integrity: The use of Zero Knowledge proofs ensures that transaction data is verified securely without exposing sensitive information, maintaining the integrity of the blockchain.

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